A few months back I got into 35mm film photography – more as a hobby than commercially – and the cost of it was killing me. So to cut costs a bit I decided to get the film developed by Racquet Studio but “scan” them myself.
Please note if a client asks me to shoot film, I will get Racquet to scan it as their work is AMAZING. I use this process to scan my personal projects shot on film.
Things I use:
– Capture One Pro 11;
– Sony A7R III;
– Tether Tools cable;
– Metabones adapter;
– Canon 100mm f/2.8 L Macro;
– LED Tracing Pad/Copy Board (something like this, but be careful as some of them are REALLY bady);
– Home made negative holder (2x iPhone 4 screens taped together MacGyver style).
Watch this 3 minutes video to see the process! You can follow Helga (the model) on Instagram: @helga_the_viking