Happy New Year

In 2019 I photographed over 500 faces (around 540). Not only that, but I had the opportunity to mentor some photographers and meet so many others in my workshops and photowalks!

Another very exciting thing happened: I moved to a new house very early in the year and have been building my little studio ever since. It’s one amazing little constantly changing space where most of the studio photos you saw this year were created.

So thank you SO MUCH to everyone who has been part of this amazing year, being in front of my lens, assisting me behind the scenes or coming to learn a bit from me.

A very special thanks to the amazing team at Agency 888 (Gary, Jaiden, Bee, Patrick, Adinah, Pinky, Katherine…), my photographer friends always helping me out (Paul, Naomi, Michael, Will, Matthew, River, Craig, Troy and so many more), my awesome assistant Isabelle (putting up with me since August) and the amazing new friend I made and became the model I worked with the most, ever, Jess May (can’t believe we only met in April and have worked together so much already)! And, of course, all my amazing clients!

I look forward to new things and meeting so many more amazing people next year!

So I’ll leave you with some of my favourite photos of 2019 (I’ll try to pick just a few from each month of the year)!

If you would like to get your headshots or model portfolio, or if you would like to learn photography or attend one of my photowalks, please get in touch!