Finding a photographer you admire and making sure you attend their workshops (or at least trying to learn from them online) is, to me, one of the best and fastest ways to get to where you wanna be.
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So in my case this photographer was Peter Coulson. Luckily for me, Peter teaches A LOT, so very early I managed to get to his studio workshop.
Learning in person from a photographer you admire
In May 2016 I managed to attend Peter’s studio workshop. Photographers that have a career and still find time to teach don’t hold back. They will teach you everything they know!
So if you can get to learn from the ones you really like, well that is priceless.
During Peter’s studio workshop I learn more in one day than I learned in a couple of years of Youtube videos and online tutorials!
It really changed my photography forever.
A year later, I was back for more
Peter’s studio workshop was so mind blowing I regretted not booking all classes (he has days worth of workshops when he comes up from Melbourne) so next year I decided to attend two other classes I was interested to: natural light and night flash.
Even though I already learned a lot from his online teaching platform, being there in person was a whole new level and totally worth it.
So yes, if you have the change to attend a workshop with you favourite photographer, do it!
Things not in this post
Some things that happened during this time are not in this post. The next few posts will be about them, one by one, because I believe they are worth talking about a bit more, so I can try to explain what I learned from them.
A few of them are:
- Hunter Creative – a Facebook thingy that has a few pros and lots of cons (and that’s why I haven’t done it again);
- Shoots with a big team (getting together with more than just the model – working with HMUAs, designers, etc);
- Networking events.
If you would like to support me while I take the time to write this story and other types of blog posts, please consider purchasing my LR Presets, C1 Styles or PS Actions, following the links below: